Paintings Encephalocele I 1997, oil on canvas, 26 x 30 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Encephalocele II 1996, acrylic on board, 12 x 12 inches Neurodegenerative Disease 1996, acrylic on board, 12 x 12 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. After Meningiitis I 2000, acrylic on multimedia board 30 x 22 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. After Meningitis II 2000, acrylic on multimedia art board, 30 x 22 inche Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Short Cord Syndrome 1995, acrylic on board, 12 x 12 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Encephalocele III 1996, acrylic on board, 12 x 12 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Amniotic Band Sequence 1995, acrylic on board, 12 x 12 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Ship of Woe 1996, acrylic on board, 12 x 12 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Congenital Heart Disease1996, acrylic on board, 12 x 24 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Triptych Meningomyelocele 1996, acrylic on board, 12 x 24 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Prematurity II 2000, oil on canvas, 24 x 24 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Hydrancephaly 1996, oil on canvas, 10 x 12 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Hydrocephalus 2000, acrylic on board, 12 x 12 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. In Utero 1996, oil on canvas, 10 x 12 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Anencephaly 2000, acrylic on board, 12 x 12 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Conjoined Twins II 2000, oil on canvas, 32 x 36 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Short Cord Sequence II 2000, acrylic on multimedia board, 22 x 30 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Conjoined Twins 2000, oil on canvas, 32 x 36 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Spinal Muscle Atrophy 2000, oil on canvas, 38 x 48 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Trisomy 13 2000, acrylic on multimedia art board, 24 x 30 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Partial Chromosome Deletion 2000, acrylic on board, 20 x 24 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Apert Syndrome 2000, acrylic on board, 12 x 24 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Triptych Encephalocele 1996, acrylic on board, 10 x 12 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Static Encephalopathy Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Meningomyelocele II 1996, oil on canvas, 12 x 16 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Meningomyelocele III 1996, oil on canvas, 12 x 16 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Prematurity III 2000, oil on canvas, 14 x 18 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Triptych Syringmelia 1995, acrylic on board, 10 x 20 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Kernicterus 2000, oil on canvas, 14 x 16 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Trisomy 18 (II) 2000, acrylic on board, 12 x 12 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Trisomy 18 (III) 2000, acrylic on multimedia art board, 30 x 22 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Trisomy 13 2000, oil on canvas, 12 x 16 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Near Drowning 2000, oil on canvas, 10 x 12 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Neonatal Herpes 1996, acrylic on board, 12 x 16 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Congenital Cytomegalovirus (detail) 1995, acrylic on board, 12 x 12 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Trisomy 18 1995, oil on canvas, 10 x 12 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Ephalocele at Birth 1996, oil on canvas, 12 x 10 inches Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Osteogenesis Imperfecta Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Triptych Trisomy 13 Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Sirenomelia Sequence Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Congenital Renal Disease Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. In Utero Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law. Tacent Colloguia Please note the images are protected by copyright under Canadian and United States Law.